CryptoPunks Sales History

August 10, 2021 - 2 min read

CryptoPunks sales history with month-over-month growth percentages and growth since project start. I hope this helps provide a reference for you as you decide where to put your time, attention and money into new projects.

CryptoPunks Sales History

CryptoPunks is one of the earliest NFT projects and has been making headlines with record sales to the tune of multi-million dollar Punk Purchases. Its total sales volume is 306,649, the most out of any NFT project (the second most is 89,371). 

With many new projects being released daily and many comparing themselves to the famed NFT asset, it’s important to look at the sales history and trends of CryptoPunks dating back to 2017: 

CryptoPunks Sales Data

Source: using public sales data

It took 4 years for CryptoPunks to go from an average sale of .2 ETH to 41.8 ETH, but it wasn’t up-and-to-the-right growth the entire time. 

The average sale didn’t crack 1 ETH until January 2020, a full two-and-a-half years after the project launched. 

The first significant month-over-month explosion occurred in September 2020 when the project went from 1.25 ETH to an average of 3.97 ETH. 

That momentum continued to an average ETH sale of 9.0 but dipped in December. 

Again, in March, the average sale rocketed up to 38.8 ETH but dropped by almost half to 21 ETH. 

It’s important to look at data like this — lots of people are tweeting “I can’t even see the moon of [insert new shiny object project here]” without really providing a thesis or any data to support their promotions. 

You may get excited about “discovering” the next project, but keep in mind that the market ebbs and flows. Even the Punks had some down months. 

James KIllick

written by

James KIllick

Jimmy Grow | Product Wizard